Volleyball Leagues

Volleyball Schedule
Sussex Bowl - Fall, 2024
Thursday FallBall Co-Ed 6 C - 6:30 thru 7:30
--- Note: this league has Double-Headers and/or BYE's ---
* = Team has double-header
Move mouse over your team name to highlight your games.
1) Joe Mama's 2) Low Expectations
3) Here for the Exercise 4) New Kid's on the Block
5) RiverRun 6) Hotstepperz
7) Blocktoberfest 8) Busch Brazzer
Date 6:30
Court A
Court B
Court A
Court B
1 9/5/2024 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8
2 9/12/2024 8-4 5-2 1-3 6-7
3 9/19/2024 6-8 7-3 4-2 5-1
4 9/26/2024 4-5 1-6 2-7 8-3
5 10/3/2024 3-6 2-8 7-5 1-4
6 10/10/2024 7-1 8-5 6-4 3-2
7 10/17/2024 5-3 4-7 8-1 2-6
8 10/24/2024 PN PN PN PN

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